Then of course, the much publicised four "horsemen of the apocalypse" converging on the Bank of England to lay siege to financial institutions. The whole event has been nothing more than a symbolic gesture, largely for the cameras with gimmicks like this:

I found the appearance of Russell Brand particularly bizarre.
"Tell us Mr Brand, what are you angry about?", asked the eager reporter.
"Well.. I'm just.. here." replied Brand, visibly uncomfortable at the attention.
"But why specifically are you here?"
"Hey I'm just here.... participating mate." (uncomfortable look and silence from Brand)
Pathetic, the guy is a serial publicity seeker who revels in his lothario, bad boy image. He clearly decided that it would improve his image through association, and then when the predictable violence kicked in it would do him no favours and made himself look like an utter fool.
Otherwise though, the real treat was the excuse to nip off early to 'beat the protestors'. They are being contained nicely by the police (fine work by the way chaps), and were rumoured to be 'releasing' them at 5:30pm. Cue the entire office leaving at 5pm. However I'm watching TV now and see them all housed in.
Anyway what has all this really achieved? I'm afraid about as much as the G20 summit will.
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